Spring Cleaning For Your Mental Health
The weather is warming up, flowers are beginning to bloom, and school is so close to finishing up for the year. What better time than this to freshen up your routine for optimal enjoyment of those long-awaited summer months?
Get Outside
Enjoy the nice weather by going for a walk, planting fresh flowers, starting a vegetable garden, or simply basking in the sun on one of those seemingly rare 75 degree days. If the last option suits your fancy, check out this guided meditation.
2. Actual Spring Cleaning
A chaotic environment leads to a chaotic brain. We can often find relief from anxiety by tidying up and getting organized. This will help your brain feel more in control and safe in your surroundings.
An extra little tidbit – It is amazing how one small step in our routines can have a huge impact on the rest of our day. Try adding one of these to your morning or evening routines for one week and see how you feel:
Avoid the snooze button
Make your bed before heading out the door
Prepare coffee for the morning or organize lunches
Set out your clothing (or your littles’ clothing) for tomorrow
3. Be Kind To Your Body
As difficult as this can be for several reasons, try choosing just one way to practice kindness to your body each day. This could look like:
Choosing a form of exercise that you truly enjoy
Practicing gratitude for all that your amazing body does for you
Eating fresh fruits and veggies
Purchasing clothing that you feel amazing in
Choose just one of these to try out this week and check in with how you feel after a few days. I’d love to hear how this goes for you! Feel free to let me know in the comments.
Take care and happy cleaning!