What You Need To Know About Intrusive Thoughts
Intrusive thoughts are basically unwanted thoughts, images or memories that come out of nowhere and cause us some type of distress. Sometimes they spike anxiety, sometimes they lead to feeling shame or guilt. Intrusive thoughts often lead to this distress because their nature kind goes against our core self. Meaning that they likely make us question ourselves and why we had the thought.
Spring Cleaning For Your Mental Health
A chaotic environment leads to a chaotic brain. You can find relief from anxiety by tidying up and getting organized. This helps our brains to feel more in control and safe in our surroundings.
CBT For Anxiety - How To Deal With Anxiety In 4 Simple Steps
If we write down a thought and if feels 100% true, chances are your body may have a stress reaction. That fight/flight/freeze system will turn on and prepare your body for protection. As usual, this state of protection can feel entirely uncomfortable. When we acknowledge the signs of this protective state being turned on, we can run through our helpful calming strategies, such as deep breathing, guided meditations, physical activity, or any other techniques you have found to be helpful for you to endure this stress response until your brain and body begin to calm.