How To Help Someone With Anxiety - 4 Simple Tips For Loved-Ones
For those of you who are going through the trenches with your anxiety, this is a resource you can send to your loved ones. And for the friends and loved ones coming across these words, here are 4 simple tips to help you help them.
How To Deal With Anxiety In 5 Simple Steps
Anxiety is our body’s natural protective mechanism, so if your hope is to completely eliminate it from your life, you’re going to be fighting an uphill battle. With that being said though, there are quite a few helpful tricks we can use every day to give ourselves the best chance at an anxiety free existence. Or at the very least, one where we feel confident enough in ourselves to manage the discomfort of anxiety in a way that actually supports our well-being.
3 Simple Ways to Overcome The Fear Of Change & Uncertainty
In a nutshell, anxiety is the fear of uncertainty. It is simply human nature to feel anxious when we do new things. Whether this is a new relationship, a new position at work, a new skill that we are building, and even when our plans change when we didn’t expect them to. Anxiety will show up because these things matter to us and it can feel quite threatening if they don’t turn out how we hope they will. In order to overcome this fear of uncertainty, we must build resilience towards new experiences and the discomfort they bring. Here are 3 simple ways you can overcome your fear of change and uncertainty starting today.
Grounding Techniques For Anxiety & Lowering Stress
Grounding techniques for anxiety are meant to bring you back to the present moment and to help you reconnect with the here and now. We can do this by refocusing attention on our breath, on our body, or on the environment we find ourselves in. When we can reconnect to the present moment, to what is actually happening right now, our brain is reminded that in this moment we are safe. Once our brain recognizes that we are, in fact, safe in this moment, our anxiety begins to decrease.
Rewire Your Anxious Brain With Reality Testing
The technique I am hinting at is called reality testing and you can thank Mr. Sigmund Freud for this one. Now I know Freud’s work has been controversial, but this technique really can be so beneficial when we struggle with unhelpful thoughts.
Anxiety Management: Prevention vs. Intervention
When it comes to dealing with stress and anxiety, we have a few options to consider. There are some practices that fall into a prevention category and others which fall into an intervention category. Prevention includes regular practices, techniques or activities which set yourself up for an overall decrease of anxiety and stress. Intervention, on the other hand, involves techniques to engage in when you are in throws of anxiety or panic. Both strategies have a purpose and are important tools to place in your mental wellness toolkit.
CBT For Anxiety - How To Deal With Anxiety In 4 Simple Steps
If we write down a thought and if feels 100% true, chances are your body may have a stress reaction. That fight/flight/freeze system will turn on and prepare your body for protection. As usual, this state of protection can feel entirely uncomfortable. When we acknowledge the signs of this protective state being turned on, we can run through our helpful calming strategies, such as deep breathing, guided meditations, physical activity, or any other techniques you have found to be helpful for you to endure this stress response until your brain and body begin to calm.