Where Does Anxiety Come From?
Katie McLaughlin, LPCC Katie McLaughlin, LPCC

Where Does Anxiety Come From?

Understanding why we feel anxious and where our anxiety comes from can play a large role in helping us to feel more in control. This understanding can also decrease the shame we may feel from feeling anxious in the first place.

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Where Does Anxiety Come From?
Katie McLaughlin, LPCC Katie McLaughlin, LPCC

Where Does Anxiety Come From?

When the brain perceives the body to be in danger, it sends out both physical signals and cognitive signals in an attempt to save you from whatever danger it believes you to be in. These signals can look like ‘what if…’ thoughts, rapid heart rate, sweating, shallow breathing, etc.. These signals are strong and uncomfortable…for a good reason. Your brain is doing everything in its power to get you away from the threat. If these signals were pleasant, we probably wouldn’t be as apt to get into action, right?

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Change your Life with 5 Minutes a Day
Katie McLaughlin, LPC Katie McLaughlin, LPC

Change your Life with 5 Minutes a Day

Research studies continue to show the benefits of mindfulness based practices on decreasing anxiety and improving our moods. When we give ourselves even just a few minutes per day to practice this skill, we are giving our brain the best opportunity to think clearly and rationally so we can go about our days feeling our best. Not only that, but this practice also helps our nervous system to improve regulation, meaning that we can calm down faster and with greater ease.

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