Anxiety Counseling Services in

Cincinnati, Ohio

Online & In Person Counseling curated to help you to experience confidence, peace and freedom

Welcome to Cedar Rose

Here, you can find compassionate and focused mental-health care to help you find peace, presence and confidence. Cedar Rose offers in-person counseling services to young adults in the greater Cincinnati area, as well as online anxiety counseling services to young adults throughout the state of Ohio. In addition to therapy, Cedar Rose provides free and affordable resources to help you meet your mental wellness goals. These resources include meditations and therapy-inspired journals.

Cedar Rose Can Help If You…

Cedar Rose offers a free 15 minute phone consultation if you’re ready to find freedom. Click the button below to see availability

  • Tend to overthink

  • Wish you could just get rid of anxiety and other big emotions

  • Tell yourself “there’s nothing to feel anxious about” but you still feel anxious

  • Have a very loud inner critic

  • Struggle when your routine is thrown off

  • Self identify as a “control freak”

  • Have felt anxious your whole life and aren’t sure why

  • Believe you need to be perfect in order to have the life you want

  • Have a busy mind that’s keeping you from quality sleep

  • Blame yourself for how other’s treat you

  • Feel so stressed out that you can’t rest

  • Hate when things change

  • Find Freedom & Understanding

    Identify the root causes of your discomfort while learning proven strategies for relief.

  • Build Self-Confidence

    Find freedom from self-doubt, perfectionism and constantly seeking out reassurance from others.

  • Experience Peace Of Mind

    Cultivate presence through proven practices like mindfulness and breath work.

  • Learn To Trust Yourself

    Together we will identify your values as we build your inner confidence.

Collaborative, Judgement-Free Care

As the founder and sole clinician of Cedar Rose, my highest priority is to ensure you have a safe space to talk about the really hard stuff - the thoughts and emotions that aren’t often spoken. From my experience, it is only when these are voiced, processed and understood with compassion that lasting freedom and peace can be found.

Whether you are seeking help to improve your self-esteem, find freedom from anxiety or depression, learn more about mindfulness, find a counselor for your young adult, or to explore your spiritual beliefs and how they impact your life, it is my humble honor to provide this space for you. Together, we will take it step by step to find your freedom. Learn more by clicking the buttons below.

Online Anxiety Counseling Services In Cincinnati Ohio

Welcome to the Journey

It takes so much courage to begin therapy and to take this step towards mental wellness. The work we can do together in therapy will allow you to explore and understand yourself in a deeper, more meaningful way. This powerful work will allow you to feel more present, calm and confident. Cedar Rose is here whenever you are ready to take the next step. Click the button below to schedule your free, 15-minute phone consultation to learn if therapy at Cedar Rose is right for you.

If you are not quite ready yet to begin therapy but you’d like to take some steps towards change on your own terms, check out the Meditations, Anxiety Education and Mental Health Worksheets Cedar Rose provides.


ACT - A Gentler Approach To Anxiety Care

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Tools For Daily Anxiety Relief

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3 Simple Ways To Overcome The Fear Of Change & Uncertainty

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How To Deal With Anxiety in 5 Simple Steps

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“Trust yourself. You've survived a lot, and you'll survive whatever is coming.”

— Robert Tew